Jonathan Butler

Jonathan Butler infuses the beauty of South Africa into his music

Performance Friday & Saturday, August 30-31

August 2024 — Jonathan Butler is a singer-songwriter and guitarist who leads a life few can imagine. Born in South Africa under the shadow of apartheid and raised in poverty, Butler was the first non-white artist to be played on South African radio and appear on national television.

Jonathan’s story begins at a very young age when his father presented him with a homemade one-string guitar. He won a local talent contest and began touring at the age of seven when he joined a travelling stage show, and was later signed up to perform on a string of hit recordings, turning him into a local teen idol. On occasion he would perform at lavish concert halls for whites only, where he would not be allowed to use the bathroom, and the very next night he would perform in a dilapidated local township. Ultimately, his ticket to a new life was music.

At thirteen, Jonathan caught the attention of the British record producer Clive Caulder. He was signed to Caulder’s Jive Records and moved to the United Kingdom in the 1980s. Jonathan’s first single broke down racial barriers becoming the first song by a black artist played by white radio stations in South Africa and won the South African equivalent to a Grammy®.

His international breakthrough came in 1987 with his Grammy-nominated hit single, “Lies” which reached #27 on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart. An instrumental “Going Home” earned him another Grammy® nomination and the mid-tempo ballad “Sarah, Sarah” confirmed Butler’s place in popular music.

Though his musical abilities moved him beyond the world he grew up in, Jonathan expresses the plight of segregation and poverty of his fellow South Africans through his music. Nelson Mandela credits Butler’s music as having inspired him during his imprisonment. Interestingly, Butler’s commitment to his homeland go beyond the music. He actually runs tours to South Africa, to introduce people to the beautiful scenery, natural wildlife, rich heritage, and gracious people through his eyes.

In return, Butler maintained a loyal following in South Africa, the United States and Europe. His fusion jazz truly represents Jonathan as a person: deeply spiritual, rooted in his South African heritage, with an air of playfulness and resilience that you can’t resist.

Jonathan Bulter returns to Middle C Jazz August 30-31.

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